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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

2nd International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials


Web-addresses of hotels located close to conference venue

Name of the hotel Web site
Iliani http://www.iliani.com
Villa Mtiebi http://www.hotelmtiebi.ge
Varazi http://www.hotelvarazi.ge
Vere Palace http://www.verepalace.com.ge
Hotel Sympatia http://www.sympatia.com.ge
Hotel Europe http://www.hoteleurope.ge
Guest House Mari http://www.g-housemari.ge

For other information about hotels in Tbilisi visit: http://www.hotels-tbilisi.com

For some additional info about Tbilisi visit: http://www.info-tbilisi.com/

  Maintained by Alexander Dundua