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Positions of Postdoctoral Researchers at Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki

The Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki functions as a national centre of research, study and expertise pertaining to Russia and Eastern Europe, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. The Institute promotes cooperation and interaction between the academic world, public administration, business life and civil society, both in Finland and abroad.

Two positions of POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS are now open for a fixed term from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2017 in the newly established Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) project “Regimes, Institutions, and Change: Politics and Governance in Russia in a Comparative Perspective”. The project, led by Professor Vladimir Gel’man, analyses Russian politics and governance from a broad theoretical and comparative perspective. The project cooperates closely with the research fellows of the Aleksanteri Institute and the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies – Choices of Russian Modernization.

We are looking for creative, motivated and enthusiastic candidates. We welcome innovative plans for post-doctoral research that aim to understand the logic of political regimes and patterns of governance in Russia, with a particular focus on the role of agency and the process of institution-building in Russia. The major questions that the FiDiPro project aims to answer are why democracy, good governance and the rule of law have not rooted well in post-communist Russia, and what contributes to continuity and changes in Russian politics and governance. These topics can be approached through methods such as comparative cross-national, cross-regional or cross-temporal research using a variety of techniques and data.

According to the regulations of the University of Helsinki, the appointee must hold a doctoral degree and have the ability to conduct independent scientific research, as well as possess the teaching skills required for the position. Please note that the Russian degree of Candidate of Science is a recognized doctoral degree.

The doctoral degree must be granted by the awarding institution prior to the closing date for applications. Furthermore, the doctoral degree is expected to have been granted no more than four years prior to application (2008 or later). The four-year limit may be exceeded only for particularly compelling reasons, such as maternity, paternity or parental leave, military or non-military service leave or extended sick leave. If the applicant appeals for an exemption from the four-year limit, the reasons must be indicated in his or her curriculum vitae.

According to the Government Decree on Universities, postdoctoral researchers are required to be competent in the language in which they provide tuition (that is, in Finnish or Swedish). However, foreign citizens, foreign-born Finnish citizens or citizens who have not been educated in Finnish or Swedish can be exempted from this requirement without a separate application.

The successful candidates are expected to have excellent written and oral English skills as well as a good command of the Russian language. In addition, candidates should have a proven capacity to publish in scholarly journals, have strong analytical and methodological skills, and be able to work both independently and as part of a team.

The salary is based on the salary system of Finnish universities (YPJ), which in this case is based on level 5 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel. In addition, a salary component based on personal performance will be paid. The starting salary for the position is EUR 3,300–3,700 per month in total, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and work experience. Employment contracts are made with a probationary period of four months.

Applications should be written in English and include:

A 1–2 page cover letter summarizing the applicant’s motivation for joining the team
A sample of scholarly writing (not more than 10,000 words)
A research plan (max. 5 pages)
CV (max. 3 pages)
List of publications (max. 3 pages)
Contact information for 2–3 referees

Applications should be addressed to Finland Distinguished Professor Vladimir Gel’man and submitted electronically as a single PDF file to aleksanteri@helsinki.fi

The application deadline is 30.11.2012 at 15.45 local Helsinki time

For more information, please contact Finland Distinguished Professor Vladimir Gel’man,

Tel. +358 9 19123629 or visit the website


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