
საერთაშორისო ბერძნული უნივერსიტეტის სამაგისტრო პროგრამა „შავი ზღვის რეგიონის კულტურის მეცნიერებებში“

MA in Black Sea Cultural Studies

The programme is launched by the School of Humanities of the International Hellenic University which develops programmes of study and relevant research of excellence that address issues of significance in our society and especially those of particular relevance for the region of SE Europe.

The International Hellenic University is the first state university in Greece where all procedures and courses are in English.

The MA in Black Sea Cultural Studies is a full time programme which lasts 12 months. It starts on October 2011 and costs 2.500 euros. During the first semester all students attend the same courses, whereas in the second semester they choose between 2 streams. The ARCHAEOLOGY-HISTORY STREAM or the POLITICS-ECONOMY STREAM

Please visit webpage www.hum.ihu.edu.gr for more information on programmes, courses, faculty and admission procedures.

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