
ცენტრალური ევროპის უნივერსიტეტის (ბუდაპეშტი, უნგრეთი) ერთკვირიანი სემინარი პროფესორებისათვის სასწავლო მეთოდოლოგიებში.

The Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) at the Central European University
(CEU), Budapest- Hungary is hosting academics for one week, offering
workshops on Course Design and Teaching Methodologies in addition to the
workshop on the announced topic, within the program called CRC session.
Besides, the CEU resources including faculty, courses and library will be at
your disposition during the session.

CRC program covers all costs related to session for the
eligible participants (former socialist countries, except EU member states).
There is no participation fee introduced yet.

The call itself is the following:

“Gender Studies

Sexuality and Queer Theory”

March 1-7, 2010
(deadline for applications: 15th January, 2010)

Curriculum Resource Center Application Form


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