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პოლონეთის მთავრობის სტიპენდიები აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის ფარგლებში

დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in cooperation with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland has announced enrolment for a new scholarship scheme, which is named after an outstanding Polish mathematician – professor Stefan Banach.

Stefan Banach is considered to be one of the most recognisable Poles in the world. The creator of the functional analysis, the co-founder of the Lviv School of Mathematics and at the same time a man, with an unusually colourful biography, that to this day inspires young and old. Trying to underline Stefan Banach’s numerous contributions to the global development of science The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to entitle a new scholarship scheme with his name.

The Stefan Banach Scholarship scheme will be offered at the postgraduate level for the following types of academic degrees: technical, environmental, scientific, economic as well as for students studying European law/studies at any Polish public university. Following the first year of studies participants will be able to take part in student exchanges through the Erasmus Programme. During their Polish university experience scholars will also have the opportunity to undertake a short-term graduate internship within the Republic of Poland, as well as to participate in a summer Polish language course, prior to the beginning of the studies.

The coordination of the Stefan Banach Scholarship Scheme is ensured by the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange. Detailed conditions of the Scholarship Scheme are included in the notice of enrolment.

Initially 50 students will be admitted for the 2013/2014 academic year.

The deadline for the applicants is on the 21st of June 2013. Enrolment results will be announced on the 2nd of August 2013.

More detailed information can be found on the website of the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, which coordinates the implementation of the scheme: www.buwiwm.edu.pl.

We will be happy to answer any queries you might have about this scholarship scheme. The contact person in Embassy of the Republic of Poland is Jerzy Rohoziński, Second Secretary for Development Co-operation, Culture and Scientific Issue, tel.: 32 2 92 03 98, email: jerzy.rohozinski@msz.gov.pl

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