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BA Graduation 2019

A solemn 2019 BA graduation ceremony for about 3,000 graduates of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) was held at Tbilisi Sports Palace, an indoor sports arena, on July 30.

Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze; Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Irina Abuladze; Chair of the Parliament’s Education, Science and Culture Committee, Mariam Jashi, members of the Academic Council and Deans of the TSU faculties congratulated students on graduation.

“Today is a very important day for students, their parents and all of us. I want to wish them success. Our graduates have joined a huge army of TSU alumni. It is a great number – today their number exceeds 300 000,” Rector George Sharvashidze said in his remarks. He also noted that many graduates will return to TSU to continue their studies on MA and PhD degree programs and the door of the university will remain open for them. “We all are members of one family; we all are TSU alumni,” he added.

Mariam Jashi, chair of the Parliament’s Education, Science and Culture Committee, congratulated graduates on obtaining their first academic degrees. “It is a special responsibility to be a graduate of the most important university in Georgia. It is noteworthy that TSU belongs to the top 2% of the worlds best universities; I am sure that we will continue our path of reforms that will bring us closer to Europe,” Mariam Jashi said.

The Rector and the Deans awarded special certificates and memorable gifts to the highest ranked graduates.

“It is a great honor and a great responsibility for me to be here. These four years were a huge experience and adventure for me. I gained great practical and theoretical experience at the University, got acquainted with a lot of interesting people and had excellent lecturers who promoted my professional growth as well as my personal development,” TSU graduate Mariam Macharashvili said in her address to the audience.

A final event of TSU graduation was held at Turtle Lake. Stephane and DJs Giorgio Burduli, Frankie Beatnik and Levi Love Disco performed for TSU graduates.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was founded in 1918. The first graduation ceremony was held in 1922. Today, TSU is the major educational and research institution in the country, which annually implements about 200 local and international scientific grant projects with about 22 thousand Georgian and about 600 foreign students undergoing their studies there. TSU is the only university not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus region, which has been ranked among the top 2 percent of universities in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Over 200 accredited academic programs are implemented at seven faculties of TSU with over 20 000 students undergoing their studies there. Over 5300 students will be enrolled in the Tbilisi State University during the 2019-2020 academic year. In addition, over 500 entrants will be enrolled in the Georgian Language Learning Program.

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