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Science and Innovation Festival

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) took an active part in the opening of the 2017 International Science and Innovation Festival in the Rike Park in downtown Tbilisi. TSU professors and students presented innovative projects, held interesting experiments and quizzes.

Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Aleksandre Jejelava, Deputy Rector of TSU, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, representatives of academic circles and research institutions attended the opening ceremony.

“The festival is being held for the third time already and we are glad that we are already represented in five cities. The festival will last for two weeks. The key task of the participating universities is to attract children to science. Children will have an opportunity to participate in all activities and the impression that they get at this age may prove decisive in choosing a career. We need more young scientists and this festival will just help us achieve it,” Jejelava said.

“The Tbilisi State University is represented at the festival with a lot of interesting projects. Along with interesting experiments, fundamental scientific research projects are also presented. TSU will host a lot of interesting events in frames of the festival. Let me also mention that AtmoSim Lab will be opened at TSU. It is an atmospheric research laboratory created in partnership with Jülich Research Center. Researchers as well as students will participate in the research conducted at the laboratory,” Deputy Rector Mikheil Chkhenkeli said.

TSU stand offered interested persons to get involved in interesting experiments in chemistry and physics, to participate in interesting archaeological diggings, as well as in psychological experiments.

A presentation of student innovation projects was also held, where TSU students presented their innovation software and hardware projects.

In frames of the festival, TSU will organize a number of academic conferences, international congresses, exhibition of scientific products, scientific experiments, excursions and public lectures; all interested persons, including representatives of academic circles, students and school children will be able to participate.

In addition, a SMART Lab will be opened at TSU on September 29. It is a joint project implemented by TSU, Troposphere Lab (FZJ IEK-8) at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research of Jülich Research Center, Tbilisi Municipality and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia. The lab will be specialized in atmospheric analysis involving chemical analysis of the atmosphere, as well as mathematical processing of the results and creation of an atmospheric model. AtmoSim lab will be an analog to IEK-8 (Jülich Laboratory).   

The Tbilisi State University will also be represented at a science picnic in Telavi. The science festival will end on October 8.



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