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TSU, Georgian Gas Transportation Company Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) will undergo internships and get hired at Georgian Gas Transportation Company. A relevant Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze and Director General of Georgian Gas Transportation Company, Jaba Khmaladze on October 5.

Under the Memorandum, excellent students from TSU will have an opportunity to undergo professional training, use theoretical knowledge in practice and develop their practical skills. After successful internship, selected students will be offered jobs at the company.

Rector George Sharvashidze said that TSU students from various directions will be able to undergo internships at Georgian Gas Transportation Company. “Gas Transportation Company operates a huge network of gas pipelines and our students will have an opportunity to gain experience in various directions. It is essential to establish closer ties between industry and higher educational institutions in order to give labor market requirement due consideration in the learning process that will ultimately promote student employment. And this is our priority,” Rector Sharvashidze said.

Director General of Georgian Gas Transportation Company, Jaba Khmaladze said that the purpose of the Memorandum is to attract young, purpose-oriented and educated staff, who will enjoy employment opportunities. “Our company has already implemented internship programs with other higher educational institutions and they proved quite successful. A lot of students were offered jobs at the company. We are still continuing this process and I think that employment of vigorous and successful young people will be beneficial for our sector,” he said.

Archil Javakhishvili, the fourth-year student of the Faculty of Law, believes that the internship course is a great experience for students. “It will be a good chance for all of us,” he noted.

Georgian Gas Transportation Company operates 1967.136 km gas pipelines, through which it transports natural gas from three main directions: Azerbaijan, Shah-Deniz fields; North Caucasus – South Caucasus; transits natural gas from the North to the South. The company also ensures smooth and stable operation of gas pipelines, as well as uninterrupted and safe gas supplies.   

Over 200 accredited academic programs are implemented at seven faculties of TSU with over 20 000 students undergoing their studies there. Based on the signed agreements and memorandums, hundreds of TSU students undergo internships and get jobs in the public or private sectors on a yearly basis.  


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