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5th International Symposium of Linguist Caucasiologists

The 5th International Symposium of Linguist Caucasiologists was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on November 22. Nunu Ovsyannikova, Head of TSU Administration, Mariam Jashi, chairperson of the Parliament’s Education, Science and Culture Committee, Georgian and foreign linguists attended the event. The International Symposium of Linguist Caucasiologists is held every three years. This year, the symposium was dedicated to Academician Arnold Chikobava’s 120th anniversary. 
“Arnold Chikobava was the person, who united the Caucasus. He was the founder of Iberian-Caucasian linguistic school, owing to whom Tbilisi turned into the center of researching Iberian-Caucasian linguistics. His contribution to linguistics generally, Georgian philology is enormous. Explanatory dictionary of the Georgian language was created under his guidance. He has created textbooks, various books dedicated to linguistics,” Director of the TSU Institute of Linguistics, Nana Machavariani said.
President of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Giorgi Kvesitadze noted: “It is our duty to mark Arnold Chikobava’s anniversary, because not only he achieved success in science, but he established people-to-people contacts that is more important.”

Polish linguist Radosław Kanarkowski said that “the International Symposium of Linguist Caucasiologists is a very important event in the field of linguistics. It gathers world famous linguists. It is important that this year the congress is dedicated to the founder of Georgian and Caucasian linguistics, Arnold Chikobava.”

The 5th International Symposium of Linguist Caucasiologists will last till November 24. The event has been organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics and Institute of Caucasiology of the TSU Faculty of Humanities.         


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