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Challenges and Opportunities of Distance Learning in Vocational Education

On June 24, a webinar on the topic “Challenges and Opportunities of Distance Learning in Vocational Education” was held with the participation of Quality Assurance Service of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, TSU Vocational Education Center and Estonian Vocational Education Center - Ida-Virumaa kutsehariduskeskus. 
Estonian representatives shared their own experience in introducing distance learning with their Georgian colleagues; they also spoke about the problems emerging in this process and the ways of their solution, assessment validation and quality assurance mechanisms. 
42 persons participated in the webinar, among them the director of Ida-Virumaa kutsehariduskeskus, heads of departments for quality assurance, learning process, public relations and development, deputy head of Georgian National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, representatives of vocational education quality assurance service, Georgia’s higher educational institutions and private vocational collages.  


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