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TSU Marks Georgia’s Independence Day

An exhibition “Culture of the Democratic Republic of Georgia in Cartoons from the University Library’s Collections” was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on May 23 as part of the Week dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day. Among the exhibits are friendly cartoons about important developments of the period of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) in the sphere of culture. The displayed materials belong to the TSU Library’s collections.

Head of the TSU Library, Zurab Gaiparashvili said: “The Anniversary Week marking the 99th Independence Day has been launched at TSU. Very interesting exhibits have been displayed, including cartoons printed in the 1918-1921 periodicals, which are kept at the TSU Library. As part of solemn events, a book presentation on social democracy is also planned. Our compatriot, French-based emigrant Tieri Berishvili is the author of the book. In addition, an exhibition will be held at the TSU Museum and a student academic conference will be opened.”

Salome Chanturidze of the TSU Library noted that the exhibited materials are mostly from periodicals and probably that’s why they are less known to viewers and researchers. “We have to work on the periodicals of 1918-1921 on a daily basis. After we discovered these unique materials, we decided to organize an exhibition and present the paintings of that period to the broad public,” she added.

Irakli Iremadze, head of the Center – Library for the Study of Democratic Republic of Georgia, said that Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University traditionally marks the Week dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day with various events. “The same happened last year, this year, and next year we will hold larger scale events. The cycle of events will be dedicated to the First Republic,” Iremadze said.

“These cartoons clearly demonstrate what was happening in politics or public life of that period. Paintings usually depict very clearly and easily what is happening in real life,” Zaal Sulakauri, a painter, said.

As part of the Week, the TSU Library will hold a presentation of the book by Tieri Berishvili, President of France-Georgia cultural relations association and member of the board of the Leuville Estate of Georgia. In addition, an exhibition “Government of the Democratic Republic of Georgia and Tbilisi State University” will be opened at the TSU Museum; student academic conference titled “The Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921): Persons, Developments, Reforms, Achievements and Mistakes” will be held at the TSU Library.


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