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TSU Students Win Moot Court Competition

A team of students from the Law Faculty of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) has won the Moot Court Competition in Human Rights held at the Supreme Court of Georgia.  
The TSU team, among them Giorgi Alaverdashvili (1st semester of MA degree program), Guliko Macharashvili (7th semester of BA degree program), Tamar Oniani (7th semester of BA degree program) and Nika Pirvelashvili (1st semester of MA degree program) won the victory over the teams composed of BA and MA students from the Law Faculties and Law Schools of various higher educational institutions accredited in Georgia.
The Moot Court Competition in Human Rights is a joint project of the National Institute of Human Rights at Free University and USAID-funded Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (EWMI-PROLoG) program, and it is held annually.  

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