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International Conference “Georgian Civilization from Ancient Times to Middle Ages – History, Literature, Art”

On December 6-8, the University of Warsaw will host the 15th St. Grigol Peradze International Conference dedicated to the 850th birth anniversary of Georgian poet, Shota Rustaveli. The conference will be held under the patronage of President of Poland Andrzej Duda.

“Alphabetic Writing System and Georgian Scripts” and “Georgian Hymnography” prepared by the Georgian Embassy to Poland in partnership with the University of Warsaw will be exhibited. In frames of the conference, St. Grigol Peradze Prizes will be awarded to Georgian and German scientists. A ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of a scientific journal “Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies” as well as a presentation of its anniversary edition will be held. Georgian, Polish, German and French scientists will participate in the conference.

 The key goal of the conference is to popularize Georgian cultural heritage in Europe and raise awareness about Georgia’s multi-century culture at international scientific level.  

 The St. Grigol Peradze International Conference of Caucasiologists is being held since 2002 upon the initiative of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw.

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