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Space Hackathon Kicks Off

A space hackathon kicks off for young people aged 18-25 throughout Georgia.
The main purpose of the hackathon is to foster new ideas related to the space, as well as to encourage young people interested in science and technology.
The hackathon jury will be led by NASA astronaut, Heide Piper. She flew on the STS-115 mission in 2006 and STS-126 in 2008, logging more than 27 days in space and more than 33 hours spacewalking.
The main topic of the hackathon is the Colonization of Mars. During the course held on weekend, the participants will try to turn the mission to the Red Planet into reality.
The winning team will leave for the Netherlands and visit Europe’s first permanent space exhibition Space Expo. The winners of the second and third places will be awarded with technique vouchers.
The main stage of hackathon will be held on December 1-3, but the process of accepting the projects for the selection round has already been launched. Interested persons can visit the website to see detailed information and undergo registration.
The U.S. Embassy to Georgia is the main sponsor of Space Hackathon. The project is being implemented by NGO Democracy Lab.


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