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Me Media Contest

The School of Journalism at Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) is holding a contest Me Media for young people aged 13-21.  

Are you interested in news stories, television, online media or social media? Have you your own vision on media development?

Take a part in the contest announced by GIPA’s School of Journalism, share your experience and opinions. Tell us where do you see yourselves with respect to media, how do you verify whether information is true or false? What does media mean for you? Do you consider yourself a provider of information to the public?

Please, send your vision in any format:
•    Essay (maximum 3 pages)
•    Photo/infographics
•    Video/animation

The jury will reveal the best work per format – pecuniary prize EUR 300.

Fill in an application form through November 17.

The contest is being supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and it is being held in partnership with Transitions Online.


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