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Skills and Knowledge for Youth Economic Empowerment (SKYE) Club

Skills and Knowledge for Youth Economic Empowerment (SKYE) Club represents a group of young people, who think that it is possible to change the environment for better and who are confident in their own abilities. The Club helps youth develop the skills, behaviors and attitudes in terms of leadership, social involvement, entrepreneurship and employment, through promoting project management, communication, technical, innovatory and creativity competences.
The project is implemented with the support of the International Charity Foundation of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and international organization World Vision.
The Club represents a long-term project, in frames of which young people aged 18-26 gather every Saturday at 3pm (address: Rustaveli Avenue, 21) and develop their professional skills in a friendly and joyful environment.
To participate, please, fill in an application, present your motivation and explain why you want to join SKYE Club.
Applications will be accepted through November 20, 2017.


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