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“UN Based Global Approach to Migration and its Implication for Georgia’s migration policy”

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “UN Based Global Approach to Migration and its Implication for Georgia’s migration policy”

Location: Georgia, Tbilisi
Date: 10 and 11 May 2017
Languages: English and Georgian

The International Conference aims at bringing together local and international scholars and policymakers to discuss migration related research and their application to migration policy worldwide and in Georgia. We invite papers that analyse various aspects of migration policy making, policy outcomes and impact assessment of migration policies as well as empirical research that may lead to better migration policy outcomes. Presenters are expected to highlight the application of “New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants”, especially its key elements towards a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration to policy planning and implementation.
In the long term, the purpose and an ultimate objective of the conference is to further develop and foster critical academic exchange on migration in Georgia, as well as to support evidence-based policy making in the field of migration management.
We welcome presenters from various disciplines, such as political science, sociology, economics, history, law, anthropology, public administration, demography and social geography. The conference program will be organised into several thematic panels including but not limited to:
•    Migration and development
•    Identifying and addressing drivers of migration
•    Human rights of migrants including labour rights
•    Irregular migration
•    Diaspora and their links to countries of origins
•    Attitudes towards migrants
•    Integration and reintegration

A two-day conference is envisaged as a unique opportunity for international and local Georgian scholars and policymakers to come together to share their research findings to foster our understanding of migration from a broader inter-regional perspective. Applications are welcomed both from established and young scholars, including MA and PhD students.

While selecting the papers to be presented at the conference, the organisers will take into account the relevance of the submitted papers for Georgia and the region, including further development of the existing migration policies, forecasting of future migration flows and scenarios in Georgia, the region and the European Union, forecasting, estimating and boosting migration impact on development in Georgia, region and the European Union.

Abstracts (250 words, in MS Word format, in English (each abstract should be accompanied by author/authors contact information, and a short - 100 word - biography), must be sent to the organisers by 15 March 2017 at:  

Notifications of acceptance: 22 March 2017

Full paper submission (5-6 thousand words): 20 April 2017

Conference: 10 and 11 May 2017

This conference is funded by the EU and organised by the State Commission on Migration Issues of Georgia, Tbilisi State University in cooperation with the EU-funded ENIGMMA (“Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management) project implemented in Georgia by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development. Limited amount of travel funding will be available for accepted international PhD and MA students. Please send your request for funding to the organisers separately, along with your abstract.

For additional inquiries please contact:  


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