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To the attention of TSU students and alumni with business ideas!

If you have a business idea, please, get involved in Startup Pre-Accelerator Program implemented by Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency. You are welcomed to attend the project presentation, which will be held at Auditorium 107 of TSU Building I at 7pm on November 18.

The Pre-Accelerator Program will help you develop and increase your business initiatives at the university, as well as ensure supplies of additional resources. 

The Pre-Accelerator is a 3-4 week course of training and mentorship to help startups improve business ideas and acquire necessary knowledge and experience.

The program will prepare teams for demo day presentations, which will be held at Technopark on December 24.

The program aims to provide access to funding for startups, particularly to the grants worth GEL 5000 and investments worth GEL 100 000 in frames of the Startup Georgia Program. Successful teams will be selected for Technopark business incubators.


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