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5th International School and Workshop of Regional Training Network in Theoretical Physics

On September 25-30, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), the University of Bonn (UB), the University of Siegen (USi) and the Yerevan State University (YSU), which are united in the Regional Training Network in Theoretical Physics, will hold the 5th annual joint school and workshop Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond. The event will be held within the framework of International Science and Innovation Festival 2017. The first part of the event - the scientific conference - will be held on September 25-27 at Tbilisi State University (opening ceremony at 10 am, TSU, 1st Building, room No. 06); the second part - an autumn school for MA and PhD students from the region (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran) will be held at TSU Center for Lifelong Learning on September 28-30 (at 9:30 am, room No.3). Lectures will be delivered by leading field experts, including Gia Dvali (Max Planck Institute) and Archil Kobakhidze (University of Sydney).
Workshop Topics:
Flavor symmetries
Quark flavor physics and QCD input (lattice as well as non-lattice)
B-decays and the search for the BSM physics
Searches for the electric dipole moment
Selected topics in gravitation and cosmology
See detailed information about the event at the following website

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