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“Children in the University Library”

A week “Children in the University Library” was opened at the Library of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) as part of events marking the World Book Day.

During April 23-27, TSU Library will host school children from various schools in Tbilisi. Famous Georgian authors and artists will read fairy tales together with children and paint favorite characters.

The event was opened by Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze. “We decided to meet children on the World Book Day with an interesting program, prizes and games. They will visit the Library and I hope that their friendship with the University will further continue in the future.”

On the first day of events, children listened to fairy tales by Diana Anpimiadi, jointly written by the writer and her son. “I will be glad if everyone takes care of children and their education. It is a precondition for developing science, literature and respectively, the country,” she said.

Head of TSU Library, Zurab Gaiparashvili said that “the Week, in frames of which school children will visit the TSU Library, was just dedicated to the World Book Day. This project will promote closer ties between a book and a reader. We will try to further awaken children’s love towards reading books.”

During the first day of events, TSU hosted school children from private school Archimedes. “I especially liked the today’s tale. Such good excursions and evenings are not held frequently. I am going to paint Madicken, a fictional character by my favorite author Astrid Lindgren,” Mariam Kvitashvili, a pupil of Archimedes school, said.


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