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Student Scientific Conference Winners Awarded

The winners of Student Scientific Conference were awarded at the ceremony held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on June 13. BA students from the Faculty of Law participated in the conference. 

Deputy Dean of the TSU Faculty of Law, Tamar Zarandia said that “the Faculty of Law does not betray its traditions and continues to hold student scientific conferences. Students from various directions, who can carry out their scientific activities in various legal directions, have participated in the conference. Research papers were extremely interesting this year and we found it very difficult to select the best one. I am very glad that the private sector also participated in the award ceremony. I hope that this tradition will be continued at TSU and similar scientific activities will be evaluated positively.”  
Dimitri Gabunia, one of the founders of the law firm Gabunia and Partners, awarded one-time monetary reward to Giorgi Meladze, one of the winners of the student conference.

Giorgi Meladze said that “this competition is a good opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge and demonstrate their capabilities in the field of science. It would be better if such activities are carried out more frequently and more and more students participate in them.”

“I am glad that similar conferences are being held at the Faculty of Law and students are so active. A new, good generation of lawyers is coming out; today Georgia really needs highly skilled staff. As a practicing lawyer, I decided to award a monetary prize to the winner in the field of private law and this will have a systemic nature. At the same time, I call on all lawyers working in this field to support TSU in this huge undertaking. We will further continue our friendship in order to encourage students,” Dimitri Gabunia said.     


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