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“Mediterranean” Simulation Experiment

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a simulation experiment of a business game “Mediterranean” on January 11. Students of the TSU Faculty of Economics and Business participated in it and tried to solve the problems of preventing pollution of the Mediterranean Sea and its coasts.

Mariam Ubilava, one of the project participants, said that the experiment aimed at highlighting public interests under conditions of intensive pollution of the Mediterranean Sea and its coasts. “The problem of water pollution is very important globally and it would be better to implement measures to promote problem solving,” Ubilava said.

During the event TSU students unveiled the positions of some representatives of the Mediterranean countries and discussed the ways of problem solving. For this purpose, they had studied and analyzed all types of pollution sources and determined the level of environmental impact in these countries.   
 Giorgi Mosiashvili, TSU student, who participated in the simulation experiment, said: “Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea is a very dangerous issue, because it is a populated area as well. This is a serious problem for our country too, because the same may threaten the Black Sea. Public role and involvement in these issues is very important.”
The goal of the simulation experiment is to promote active involvement of young people in studying and solving environmental problems that will ultimately promote the development of their ecological culture.

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