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Scientific-Practical Conference ‘Criminal and Criminogenic Aspects of Combating Organized Crime’

On October 24 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a scientific-practical conference ‘Criminal and Criminogenic Aspects of Combating Organized Crime’ organized by the Scientific Research Institutes of Criminal Law and Criminology at the TSU Faculty of Law.      

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Chairman of the Supreme Court Konstantine Kublashvili, the representatives of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Justice, Corrections and Legal Assistance of Georgia, as well as TSU students and professors attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “the TSU Faculty of Law works actively in various directions; it is involved in joint research projects with governmental structures. The fact that Georgian governmental officials are attending the presentation of the book at TSU proves that this research will not remain on paper, but will really be materialized.”

“It is important that similar meetings are held at the Tbilisi State University. Analyzing the problems at a theoretical level and exchanging opinions at a scientific level during similar events is more productive than speaking generally,” Chairman of the Supreme Court, Konstantine Kublashvili said.

During the conference TSU professors read out their reports on the issues related to combating and prevention of organized crime. The participants also discussed a monograph “Problems of Criminalization and Prosecution of Modern Manifestations of Organized Crime in Georgian Criminal Law.”


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