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Gino Park Ltd to Finance Student Projects

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and Gino Park Ltd signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on April 17. The memorandum was signed by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava and investor of Gino Park Ltd, Nodar Giorgadze. The primary objective of the memorandum is to implement joint projects aimed at providing comprehensive education to new generations and encouraging their creative potential. The company is also ready to offer internships and employment to the best students.

On the basis of mutual cooperation between TSU and Gino Park Ltd, TSU students, professors and administrative staff will be provided free services by the company for their birthdays.

“Any agreement with private companies is extremely important for our university. This particular agreement will enable our students to get involved in the company’s activities and actively participate in the development of Gino Park Ltd. Quite interesting ideas were offered by the company; this memorandum opens up a lot of opportunities to our students and academic staff,” TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said.

“An interesting agreement was signed between the university and Gino Park; a lot of interesting ideas were expressed to prepare students and raise their qualification. We are proud that the university showed interest in involving students in the construction of an ecological city on the territory adjacent to the Tbilisi Sea. We will definitely implement this project. We pin hopes on the government’s support; but it is very important for us that TSU students get involved in this project,” investor of Gino Park Ltd, Nodar Giorgadze said.

The first joint project will be implemented in the near future and it envisages monetary prizes for the most creative projects submitted by students. In addition, the winning students will be able to implement their own projects.

The representatives of the company, TSU professors and students attended the event.


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