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Platform for Reforms

On June 29, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is pleased to invite you to a scientific-practical conference “University Modernization: Student, as an Important Participant of the University Renewal Process.”

Recent developments at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University have once again highlighted the challenges facing the entire higher education system in our country. The demand for renewal emerging in the University community is a precondition for beginning a new stage of its development. The University should turn into an educational and scientific center meeting modern international standards. It involves raising the quality of education; establishing high standards of research activities; modernization of education programs; improvement of the University’s management mechanisms and forms of student participation in it. This is the process of fundamental renewal and it should be carried out with active involvement of students, academic and administrative staff.

What kind of reforms and changes need to be implemented in the university education system? To discuss these issues, we offer you to create the university platform aimed to ensure open and active involvement of students as well as academic and administrative staff in collegial discussion of these issues. To launch this discussion, we invite you to the scientific-practical conference “University Modernization: Student, as an Important Participant of the University Renewal Process” on June 29. All interested students, formal or informal student unions, academic and administrative staff, who want to discuss the persisting problems and share international experience in solving similar issues, are eligible to participate in the conference.

Registration of participants: June 17 -27

Submission of papers: annotations of papers should be submitted electronically to the following address no later than June 27.
The conference topics: legal analysis of current forms of structure/management of student unions/organizations/institutions after the example of various countries (normative documents and legal acts defining students’ rights and obligations).

Examples of foreign university/universities (including description of functions and obligations of student unions/organizations/institutions; form/model/concept of student involvement/co-participation in the process of administering/decision making of higher educational institutions).

It is possible to present the analysis of various university models in the context of one country or one model in the context of several countries; compliance of the presented model with Georgian reality; analysis/justification: will this model be suitable for the Georgian reality; vision about introduction/implementation of the presented model.

For additional information, please, contact:
Tel: +995 599 06 57 20

Time and venue of the conference: June 29, 2016; TSU, Building I, auditorium No 107


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