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TSU Futsal Team Achieves Another Success in European Competition

Futsal Team of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) has achieved another success in the main round of the UEFA Futsal Cup. During the main round held in Macedonia on October 12, TSU team defeated Macedonian Zelezarec 10:0 and received a real chance to move to the elite round. Although the Georgian team was defeated by Azerbaijan’s champion Araz Naxçivan in the first match, if it receives even one point during the match with Kosovo’s Feniks, it will appear among Europe’s best 16 teams and compete in the elite round.   

TSU joined the tournament from the preliminary round held in Finland on August 16-21. 32 teams participating in the qualifying round were drawn into 8 groups. The TSU team gained 9 points and took the first place in a subgroup.


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