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TSU, Research Institute of Clinical Medicine Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

On July 23 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in frames of which TSU students from the Faculty of Medicine will undergo practical training at one of the leading university clinics. The memorandum was signed by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava; Scientific Head of the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Academician Pridon Todua and Director of the Institute Nino Jgamadze, MD. According to the memorandum, the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine has become the University Clinic.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said: “A successful step has been taken for the Tbilisi State University. New opportunities are opening up for the students of the Faculty of Medicine as they will be able to undergo practical training at one of the best clinics not only in Georgia but throughout the post-Soviet space. We plan to implement joint educational programs in the future. For the first time in Georgia, medical students will undergo medical physics courses.”   

“The Research Institute of Clinical Medicine has officially become a scientific and practical base for TSU students. The status of the University Clinic is a great honor for our staff. The entire material and technical base of the clinic and its intellectual potential will be used for promoting students’ professional development,” Scientific Head of the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Academician Pridon Todua said.

According to the memorandum, the parties acknowledge the importance of joint efforts in the sphere of education, medical science and healthcare that represents their common interest; aim at providing quality education to students; their integration into the European Higher Education Area; the Institute represents TSU’s clinical base for educational and research activities; the parties agree to promote sharing of experience in the field of education. Special attention will be paid to the development of the structure of education system, curricula, didactic materials and improvement of the quality of education.


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