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International Summer School ‘Intercultural Management Competence’

An international summer school Intercultural Management Competence was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on September 11.

Students and professors from the TSU Faculty of Economics and Business and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (Germany) are participating in the summer school. The school was opened by Deputy Rector of TSU, Mikheil Chkhenkeli; Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Teimuraz Beridze and Head of the Management Department, Prof. Davit Narmania.

“Students will be able to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge; they will familiarize themselves with various municipal programs, including the new EBRD-funded Tbilisi Bus Project, which will also be co-financed by the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership,” Tbilisi Mayor, Prof. Davit Narmania said.

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb of Koblenz University hailed the project as “very interesting” that will help students from the two countries acquire multicultural and intercultural competences, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge about intercultural management. 

The summer school has been organized by the TSU Faculty of Economics and Business and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (Germany).


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