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2018 Graduation Ceremony at TSU

The solemn 100th BA graduation ceremony was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on July 28. About 3000 students completed their BA degrees this year.

The graduation ceremony was held in the courtyard of the 1st Building of TSU and along with TSU bachelors it was attended by Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Mikheil Batiashvili, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Education, Science and Culture, Mariam Jashi, members of the Academic Council, deans of the TSU faculties, representatives of academic community and invited guests.

Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze congratulated the students on their graduation. “I congratulate students on their graduation. They have joined a huge army of TSU alumni. Over the past 100 years, more than 300 000 students graduated from the university. I wish new graduates success in life and, what is most important, I wish them to never lose their links to the University.”

“Graduation from the university is an important step, but using education in practice is one of the important stages. I congratulate students on their graduation and wish them success and taking those important steps that will help develop our country,” Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Mikheil Batiashvili said.

“To say the truth, I am split in two, because I feel both happy and sad, firstly, because I graduated successfully and secondly because our roads with the university will no longer be interlinked as before. But, I will recollect the TSU slogan and keep in step with the university,” Tamta Margvelashvili, a law faculty graduate said.

A final event of TSU graduation was held at Spacehall club. SALIO, Digital Groove Affair and DJ Machaidze performed for TSU graduates.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was founded in 1918 and it meets its 100th anniversary as the major educational and research institution in the country, which annually implements about 200 local and international scientific grant projects with about 22 thousand Georgian and about 600 foreign students undergoing their studies there.

TSU is the only university not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus region, which has been ranked among the top 2 percent of universities in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Over 200 accredited academic programs are implemented at seven faculties of TSU with over 20 000 students undergoing their studies there. About 4700 students will be enrolled to the university during the 2018-2019 academic year with 500 of them enrolled to the Georgian Language Preparation Educational Program.


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