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Paata Burchuladze Meets with TSU Academic Staff and Students

Paata Burchuladze, a famous Georgian public figure, philanthropist and founder of the charity funds Iavnana and Iveria, visited the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on November 4.

Paata Burchuladze met with TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, academic staff and students to discuss the issue of construction of Iveria Holy Virgin Mary Church on Makhata Mountain in Tbilisi. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said: “It is extremely important that famous Georgian opera singer, public figure Paata Burchuladze came to meet with professors and lecturers. Construction of a monastery complex on Makhata Mountain is Georgian undertaking, which involves people according to their own desires and abilities. Owing to the today’s meeting the university staff will better familiarize itself with the construction activities. Each representative of the university is willing to see the completed construction of the church.”

 “It is great honor for me to meet with TSU academic staff. We talked about the construction of the church on Makhata Mountain. There are a lot of people involved in the construction. We want more people to learn about the construction works and about how they can contribute to the construction of this church,” Paata Burchuladze said.

The construction of Iveria Holy Virgin Mary Church on Makhata Mountain started with the blessing of Georgian Patriarch, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II. The church is being built by joint efforts of Georgian citizens and our compatriots living abroad. Thousands of people are involved in the public project. Over 204 000 persons have already made their contributions. A charity fund Iveria was established on July 27, 2010 by Paata Burchuladze to build Iveria Holy Virgin Mary Church. Since the day of its establishment, the fund has set as a goal to build the church by joint efforts of Georgian citizens.

The meeting was organized and information support was provided by the editorial board of newspaper Tbilisis Universiteti (Tbilisi University).        


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