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MA Graduation Ceremony at TSU

A solemn MA graduation ceremony was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on September 14.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, deans and professors, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science addressed the students gathered at TSU.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava congratulated postgraduate students on their new status and noted that the university doors would always remain open for them. “No matter what accomplishments you achieve, your native university will remain unchanged. Be sure that the university doors are always open for everyone and, first and foremost, for you. Remember your professors; remember that they will always be happy to meet you. Your success is their success. We will be glad if you decide to continue your studies at doctoral level, because just PhD students create the army that will replace us, your present professors. I want you to be successful and to remember this day, September 14, 2014 as one important day in your life,” Vladimer Papava said.

“Tomorrow the Tbilisi State University launches a new academic year for undergraduate students and it is symbolic that the MA graduation ceremony was held just today. Generations are changing, but the university stands unchanged and is always ready to give education to youth and help them in advancement,” Nugzar Chitaia, Head of Higher Education Development Division of Higher Education and Science Development Department at the Ministry of Education and Science, said.

Nana Shekishvili, the most successful MA student, congratulated other postgraduates on their graduation. “I want to thank all those people, who have contributed to our education. I want to address future generations – make your choice in favor of the Tbilisi State University, become its part and follow us!”
550 students graduated from 84 MA degree programs at TSU in 2014.    


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