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Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize in Kartvelian Studies Awarded to German Professor

The Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize was awarded to famous Kartvelologist and linguist, Prof. Dr. Heinz Fähnrich from the University of Jena for his special contribution to Kartvelian studies. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava handed over the medal and diploma of the first owner of the International Scientific Prize to Rector of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Prof. Dr. Klaus Dicke.

The representatives of the TSU academic and advisory councils, professors and students attended the event.

During the solemn event TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said: “The Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize was awarded for the first time in the history of TSU. We are glad that the prize was awarded to a famous Kartvelologist, Prof. Dr. Heinz Fähnrich, who has made a significant contribution to the development of Kartvelian studies. Unfortunately, Prof. Fähnrich could not attend the event. However, the university has already received a warm letter of gratitude from him.”

“It is a great honor for the University of Jena that just our professor, Heinz Fähnrich became the first owner of the Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize. Professor Fähnrich really deserves this huge appreciation because he brought a part of Europe to Georgia and took Georgia’s name to Europe,” Rector of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Prof. Dr. Klaus Dicke said. 

On initiative of TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, on December 26, 2013 the Tbilisi State University announced a call for Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize for scientific papers of international significance created in Kartvelian studies. The prize for special contribution to Kartvelian studies is awarded biennially.

By the decision of the TSU Prize Committee, the Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize 2014 was awarded to Heinz Fähnrich for his special contribution to Kartvelian studies. The winner received the diploma of the Ivane Javakhishvili International Scientific Prize, the Ivane Javakhishvili Medal and GEL 20 000.  
Professor Fähnrich sent a letter of gratitude to TSU Rector Vladimer Papava. “This prize belongs not to me, but to you, the Georgians, because what I have done in the field of Kartvelian and Caucasian studies is largely due to your contribution. I will always be an admirer of Georgian nation and Georgian culture,” Professor Fähnrich writes in the letter.    

German linguist, Prof. Dr. Heinz Fähnrich is a famous Kartvelologist and Caucasiologist. In 1971 he defended his thesis at TSU; he has been elected as a foreign member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Fähnrich is a founder and editor of a journal Georgika.

For years Heinz Fähnrich led the Department of Caucasian, particularly Kartvelian studies at the University of Jena. He is still trying his best to popularize the Georgian language and culture in Germany. His books cover almost all the spheres of Georgian culture.  Prof. Fähnrich has published in German several tens of monographs dedicated to the history of Georgian literature, Georgian history, Georgian mythology, as well as Georgian historical and cultural monuments.   

His work is especially fruitful in studying the Kartvelian and Caucasian languages. The spheres of his research involve grammar of the old and new Georgian language. Among his fundamental works there are: Georgian Language; Old Georgian – German Dictionary (co-author Prof. Zurab Sarjveladze); Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (co-author Prof. Zurab Sarjveladze); as well as German translations of many Georgian literary monuments, etc.


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