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Open Day at TSU

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) held an open day on May 5. Entrants and 12th grade students were welcomed by Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze and Head of the National Library, Giorgi Kekelidze.

Rector Sharvashidze acquainted entrants with the opportunities offered by the University; he spoke about novelties, curricula, international and exchange programs, research, funding and scholarships. “I hope that many of those young people, who came to the open day event, will choose TSU. There are a lot of reasons, why they should choose TSU. They should choose TSU at least because it is a flagship of higher education and research throughout the region,” Sharvashidze said.

 “I advised school people to become part of a great history called the Tbilisi State University. It is a huge honor and this honor is strengthened not only by traditions. We should work a lot to preserve this name and I already notice serious changes in this direction,” Giorgi Kekelidze said.  

“I am going to become a TSU student. I have selected only one program and it is jurisprudence, and I have marked only one university – Tbilisi State University, because I think that TSU is a leader throughout Georgia in this direction,” Davit Macharashvili, a school pupil, said.

Deans of TSU faculties, professors and administrative staff members met with young people during the open day event and answered their questions.  
About 4000 entrants will become TSU students in 2018.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University met its 100th anniversary as the major educational and research institution in the country, which annually implements about 200 local and international scientific grant projects with about 22 thousand Georgian and about 600 foreign students undergoing their studies there. Along with BA, MA and PhD programs, TSU also implements higher vocational education program, as well as short-term and long-term certification programs.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is the only university not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus region, which has been ranked among the top 2 percent of universities in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report 2018.


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