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Georgian-Ossetian Relations – History and Modernity

The 3rd international scientific conference “Georgian-Ossetian Relations - History and Modernity” dedicated to Academician Giorgi Akhvlediani and Academician Vasil Abayev was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on October 13. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze; Head of South Ossetian Administration Dimitri Sanakoyev; Head of the TSU Research Center for Georgian-Ossetian Relations, Naira Bepiyeva, Georgian and foreign scientists, professors and students attended the event.

Rector Sharvashidze said that it is already a tradition that the Tbilisi State University hosts those researchers and scientists, who work on Georgian-Ossetian relations. “Many researchers have arrived from various countries this year. We have guests from Kazakhstan, Italy and Great Britain.  There is a great interest about the conference and I hope to familiarize myself with a lot of new research papers. Since the day of its foundation, the Tbilisi State University has been drawing huge attention to the Caucasian languages, especially the Ossetian and Abkhaz languages. We will further continue this tradition,” Sharvashidze said. 

Naira Bepiyeva, head of the TSU Research Center for Georgian-Ossetian Relations that organized the conference, said that the interest towards the conference is gradually expanding and it involves a very significant part of scientists, who discuss those issues, which are common for Georgian and foreign scientists. “Common issues help us comprehensively study and analyze those issues, which are very interesting for the scientists today,” she said.

Along with Georgian scientists, foreign scientists involved in the field of humanities from Italy, Turkey, Russia, including the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and other countries, as well as young researchers, representatives of governmental, non-governmental and international organizations, experts in conflict issues are also taking part in the three-day conference.  

“This conference is very important for me, because I am studying Ossetian and Georgian languages; Ossetian-Georgian relations represent the sphere of my interests. I think that cultural contacts were very important in the history of Ossetian and Georgian languages,” Italian Professor Vittorio springfield Tomelleri said.

The conference aims at facilitating the transition of Georgian-Ossetian relations to a new stage, as well as carrying out modern interdisciplinary research. The event has been organized by the TSU Research Center for Georgian-Ossetian Relations

An exhibition “Georgian-Ossetian Relations at the TSU Library” was opened on the sideline of the conference. Ossetian language textbooks, Georgian-Ossetian and Ossetian-Georgian vocabularies, modern literature depicting Georgian-Ossetian cultural and literary relations, as well as the works created by famous Georgian scientists, including the publication on the Ossetian language grammar created by one of the founders of the university, Giorgi Akhvlediani were exhibited. Moreover, an exhibition “Academician Giorgi Akhvlediani – Researcher of the Ossetian Language” was held at the TSU Museum.



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