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International Relations – Discipline and Theory

A presentation of the book “International Relations – Discipline and Theory” by Davit Pataraia was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on June 13. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili, specialists in international relations and international law, TSU students, professors and invited guests attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “the direction of international relations as a science became topical after restoration of Georgia’s independence. The history of previous years makes it clear that public interest as well as interest of students towards this direction has increased significantly. This publication by Davit Pataraia deserves special attention, as it is about the ways of solution of quite interesting issues and problems.”    
”The book pushes forward a very interesting philosophical problem – the existence of knowledge, discipline and system, on the one hand, and the difficulties of using this knowledge, on the other. This question has become most topical in modern world; the reality has acquired new forms. This question is especially important for the countries like Georgia, when the norms of international law and relations are frequently different. The book is interesting as it provides information about what kind of explanations the parties may have concerning this or that agreement; it provides the limits of thinking within which modern diplomacy is functioning,” Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili said.

“International relations are very interesting and simultaneously difficult and complex phenomenon. Science studies international relations from various angles – philosophical, politological, psychological, legal, economic, etc. But the discipline studies international relations wholly and tries to portray its whole picture. This book is just about the discipline and theory of international relations. It is also supposed to be a guidebook. Therefore, it is not necessary to be a specialist of this field. Readers interested in international relations can gradually learn this field and find themselves in a very interesting environment of international relations,” Davit Pataraia, head of the President’s Administration and author of the book, said.

The participants honored TSU Professor Alexander Rondeli with moment of silence. 

The book is dedicated to the discipline and theory of international relations. It discusses almost all the problems facing the discipline of international relations and analyzes the views and works of many great thinkers. The book is designed for the students and specialists of international relations and international law.      


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