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TSU Fab Lab Joins International Fab Lab Association

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University’s Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab) has met all criteria to join the International Fab Lab Association and has been put on the global map of innovation labs.

Membership to the global network of fab labs enables TSU’s fab lab located at the 10th Building (Maglivi) of this higher educational institution to establish active communication with various fab labs located worldwide; receive and disseminate knowledge and experience existing in the field of innovations. The TSU fab lab has already established active communication with Western European fab labs.     

A fabrication laboratory (Fab Lab) is an absolutely innovatory institution in Georgian reality. It aims to support inventors, innovators and young entrepreneurs, as well as to unite enthusiasts that will promote and stimulate economic growth in the country.  

The fabrication laboratory that was opened at TSU earlier this year with the support of the Tbilisi City Hall enables TSU students and other interested persons to establish and implement their business ideas, create the prototypes of desirable products and take first steps for launching a start-up business. 

Fab Lab TSU offers students unique service involving consultations with business analysts, planning meetings with potential investors, working with graphic designers and special technical personnel.  Students have an opportunity to present or develop the drafts of desirable products and then to create their prototypes free of charge using unique, high technological and modern equipment. 

TSU Industrial Innovations Laboratory (Fab Lab) is equipped with modern 3D printer, 3D scanner, modern laser cutter, CNC (computer numerical control), etc.


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