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TSU, Women’s Information Center Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and Women’s Information Center (WIC) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on May 21. The memorandum was signed by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava and Director of WIC, Elene Rusetskaia.

“Gender problem is one of the most important and interesting issues studied by both research institutions and non-governmental organizations. This memorandum envisages close relationship between TSU and Women’s Information Center that will enable our students to study gender-related problems thoroughly. The terms and conditions indicated in the memorandum are equally interesting for the Women’s Information Center in terms of what research resource we will offer them,” TSU Rector, Vladimer Papava said. 

“Our organization basically works on women’s rights and we believe that students and young people are one of the important audiences to help strengthen women’s movement in the country. Therefore, we have launched cooperation with various universities and we are glad to have an opportunity to sign the memorandum with the Tbilisi State University and give the first lecture, which will be dedicated to a topical issue – women’s political participation,” Director of WIC, Elene Rusetskaia said.
In frames of the memorandum, public lectures and training will be held for students. Several active students will be selected during training and they will be offered to undergo paid internships at Women’s Information Center.  The organization also plans to shoot a documentary and involve students from various universities in this process.

“This memorandum is a very good opportunity for the university students to obtain useful information about gender issues and to undergo very interesting training in future. In addition, they will have an opportunity to undergo paid internships in this organization that is a rare case. I hope that this program will be very useful and informative for students,” TSU student, Mari Gelashvili said.

After the signing ceremony, Elene Rusetskaia delivered a lecture on a topic: “Women’s Political Participation.” 

Women’s Information Center was established 15 years ago and it works on women’s rights and gender equality issues. The organization’s activities cover a number of areas: violence against women and domestic violence; women’s political participation; monitoring of women’s rights and fulfillment of international commitments to gender equality undertaken by the government; institutional mechanism, etc.


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