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10th International Mass Spectrometry Conference on Petrochemistry and Ecology PETROMASS 2014

An international conference PETROMASS 2014 was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on September 1. They key goal of the event is to discuss the problems, tendencies and perspectives existing in mass spectrometry, petrochemistry and ecology.   

Famous scientists from the United States, Russia, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Israel, Sweden, Azerbaijan and Georgia are participating in the conference.
Giorgi Gvedashvili, head of the TSU Department of Scientific Research and Development, said that “TSU always has a healthy ambition to be a leading university not only in Georgia, but throughout the entire region. Hence, any international activity related to international engagement is extremely important. Similar conferences promote sharing of modern methods that may give an impulse to new international collaboration, joint projects, youth exchanges, sharing of huge knowledge.” 

“Application of mass spectrometry in petrochemistry is extremely important in terms of oil research. There are a lot of oil types in the world; presently, their contents are being researched in order to use them rationally in future. Besides using oil as fuel, it should be kept in order to use it in various spheres in future – for example, in pharmacy. Many foreign scientists are participating in the conference. This meeting will promote further development of this sphere,” Professor Vladimir Zaikin from the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis (Russia) said.

The unique method of physical and chemical analysis in mass spectrometry is considered the strongest tool for fundamental research and the influence of mass spectrometry is felt in various spheres, from atmospheric chemistry to petrochemistry.  The first mass spectras of simple hydrocarbons were registered in the early 30s. Since then, rapid development of mass spectrometry can be explained by increasing interest towards ecological chemistry, petrochemistry and biological sciences. As a result of unique technical means developed in the 80s, mass spectrometry has led to the establishment of a number of new directions in molecular biology, such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, glycomics, etc. Along with petrochemistry issues, application of mass spectrometry in ecology and food industry is also being discussed.

It is quite natural that Georgia hosts the 10th international conference PETROMASS 2014, because an excellent school of experienced petrochemists has been established here.    

The conference has been organized by the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Petre Melikishvili Institute of Physics and Organic Chemistry; Georgian Society of Petrochemists and Russian Society of Mass Spectrometry. MS Analitika (USA) is the sponsor of the event.


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