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TSU in Media

According to the statistical data released by IPM Research Company, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) was the most active university in media throughout 2017. It accounts for 36% of the entire media coverage of the sector.

Below are 10 most actively covered topics within the activities of universities in 2017:

1. 100th anniversary of TSU
2. Employment forum at TSU
3. Conference “Competition Policy: Contemporary Trends and Challenges” at TSU
4. New dormitory for TSU students near Lisi Lake
5. TSU became an associate member of European masters program in lexicography
6. The National Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development signed a memorandum with the representatives of 15 universities. As a result, students will take part in research activities of tourist companies based in Tbilisi.
7. Georgian Technical University organized an information meeting for those willing to get vocational education.
8. About 100 scientists from 16 counties attended the international conference at TSU.
9. The Constitutional Court and Ilia State University hosted the 10th anniversary summer school on constitutional and human rights law.
10. Construction of a new student dormitory was launched in Batumi.

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