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TSU Names Supreme Court Chair Candidate

On February 5 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) submitted a nominee of Professor Irakli Burduli, the Dean of the Law Faculty, to President Giorgi Margvelashvili for Supreme Court chairmanship.

TSU submitted Irakli Burduli’s nominee through the mediation of the Law Faculty Council and academic staff and with the support of the TSU Academic Council. “Due to his managerial qualities, high qualification, academic skills, apoliticism and professional closeness to the judiciary, Irakli Burduli completely meets the requirements set out for the position of the Supreme Court Chairman,” the appeal addressed to the President reads.  

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said that “the Law Faculty staff expressed willingness to name Professor Irakli Burduli, who is a young, energetic and educated person, as a candidate for the Supreme Court chairmanship. This initiative was submitted by the Faculty Council and the Academic Council supported it. Irakli Burduli is a young man with good managerial skills and he is really capable to lead the Supreme Court successfully.”

“We realize a huge responsibility, which will be laid on the first judge of our country. It is up to him what kind of justice will be established in our country, whether it be the justice, which is alive and the force of which will be felt by any person, or the justice, which is locked in law books. Time has come in Georgia, when the Supreme Court needs the chairman free of any political influence. Irakli Burduli is just this kind of person. He is aware about judicial values; he is European-educated professor and feels the pulse of modern law quite well,” TSU Professor Besarion Zoidze said.

Professor Irakli Burduli expressed his gratitude for the trust expressed by the faculty’s academic staff and entire university society. “Today Georgia has a historical chance to make its judiciary an impartial, apolitical organization that is a cornerstone for an independent, developed state. It was decided to nominate me for this very responsible position. Let’s see how things will develop. But most of all I am pleased that the university decided to nominate the head of one of the most successful faculties for this position. My key messages will be: apoliticism, impartiality and high academic standards. What a judge lacks in decision making today is a high academic standard. Taking all these into consideration, we will receive the court and generally the justice system free of any pressure,” Irakli Burduli said.

Irakli Burduli received his legal education at the Tbilisi State University and the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg; he worked at the Constitutional Court of Georgia, the Supreme Court of Georgia, also served as an independent lawyer in a law firm, carried out academic activities in various higher educational institutions of Georgia; he is the author of a number of scientific works.

On January 28 President Giorgi Margvelashvili called on the society to actively participate in the process of selecting favorable candidates for Supreme Court chairmanship.


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