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Presentation of Russian-Georgian Vocabulary Handbook of Legal Terms

A presentation of Russian-Georgian vocabulary handbook of legal terms was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The authors of the vocabulary handbook are TSU Professors Khatia Khatiashvili and Natia Amirejibi. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, academic staff, students, representatives of High Council of Justice of Georgia, Supreme Court, Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau and prosecutor’s office attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “any terminological vocabulary is extremely important for the development of science; new terms are emerging from time to time and finding or creating their Georgian equivalents is very difficult. It is very important that the Russian-Georgian vocabulary handbook of legal terms has been created at TSU. This vocabulary handbook will be useful for both students and academic staff. The Tbilisi State University will always promote publication of similar educational literature.”       

“This is the first vocabulary handbook of similar content and direction published in Georgia. Until now the only available handbook was published by the Academy of Sciences in 1963. The new publication is more comprehensive; it contains modern terminology and about 5 000 words and articles. The publication is educational and it has already attracted huge interest,” one of the authors of the vocabulary handbook, TSU Professor Khatia Khatiashvili said.

The Russian-Georgian vocabulary handbook of legal terms consists of three parts. The first part contains definitions of some legal terms; the second part contains explanations of some equivalents and expressions typical for legal texts and the third part is dedicated to the vocabulary of terms and words used in jurisprudence.     
The vocabulary handbook is designed for the students of law faculties and translation studies module of higher educational institutions, practicing lawyers, practicing translators and interpreters of a particular branch as well as those persons, who are interested or simply have to deal with legal terms.


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