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German Philology in Georgia

On May 31, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted an event German Philology in Georgia. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze; German Ambassador to Georgia, Heike Peitsch; Austrian Ambassador to Georgia, Arad Benko; Swiss Ambassador to Georgia, Lukas Beglinger; Head of Tbilisi Information Center of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Martin Praxenthaler; as well as students, professors and invited guests attended the event.

Rector Sharvashidze spoke about the relations between Georgia and Germany and the universities of the two countries. “The Tbilisi State University started teaching German philology right after its foundation. Ivane Javakhishvili himself was a professor at the University of Berlin and he founded the Tbilisi University using the experience of German universities. We still maintain these links. In the near future, we plan to introduce structured PhD program in Georgia and our partner German universities will help us implement it,” Rector Sharvashidze said.

“Today we are marking the Day of German Philology at Tbilisi State University that will promote further strengthening of German philology as a science in our partner university and establishing closer relations between our universities,” German Ambassador to Georgia, Heike Peitsch said.

“We are marking the day of the language we speak. The Austrian Embassy was opened in Georgia 10 months ago and we are actively involved in deepening relations between Georgia and Austria,” Austrian Ambassador to Georgia, Arad Benko said.

“Switzerland, as one of the German-speaking countries, is also taking part in the event. I am glad that so many people speak German in Georgia. Similar events will further strengthen our contacts,” Swiss Ambassador to Georgia, Lukas Beglinger noted.

Head of the Department of German Philology at TSU, Lali Ketsba-Khundadze briefed the participants about the work of the department at TSU. “The today’s event is very important not only for the Tbilisi State University and our department, but also for entire Georgia. Attendance of the ambassadors of German-speaking countries at the event will promote popularization of this language,” Lali Ketsba-Khundadze said.

The participants of the conference discussed a wide range of issues, among them the partnership between German universities and Germanic institutes, joint projects, educational programs in German philology at TSU. A roundtable “Current State of German Philology and Its Perspectives” was held.

On the sideline of the event, an exhibition “German Culture and Science at the Library of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University” was opened at the TSU Library. Head of the TSU Library, Zurab Gaiparashvili said: “The exhibition presents unique books published in Germany, which are kept at the university library. It should be noted that all rich libraries would be proud of the oldest printed book “Life of St. Ieronymos” printed in Lübeck in 1484, which is currently kept in Georgia. In addition, scientific papers created by our professors and dedicated to German culture, language and literature are also presented at the exhibition.”

The event was organized by the Department of German Philology of the TSU Faculty of Humanities and the TSU Library.  



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