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University Shop Opened at TSU

A university shop was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on March 18. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, students, academic and administrative staff attended the opening event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “the university should definitely have a bookstore, where textbooks, other necessary literature will be sold. Because of some legislative norms, the process of opening the shop had been delayed. Now, I want to congratulate the university society on its opening.”

“We are glad that we have opened a bookstore at TSU, where souvenirs will be sold too. We would be glad if the shop becomes a favorable place for our students. We will have a special proposal for them. Sport items and gifts will also be sold in the shop. What is most important, we will meet student requirements,” Irakli Pagava, the director of the shop and deputy director of Georgian Rugby, said.

“As an ordinary student, I am very glad that the university shop has been opened, because I will be able to buy books and various souvenirs on the ground,” Lika Abralava, TSU student from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, said.

The shop located in the 1st Building of TSU will sell the books issued by TSU and other publishing houses, as well as university branded merchandise. A new shop is planned to be opened in the 10th (Maglivi) Building of TSU in the near future.         


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