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Georgian Scientific Society of Economists Established

Georgian Scientific Society of Economists was established upon the initiative of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU). TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Finance Minister Nodar Khaduri, professors, economic experts attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “Georgian Scientific Society of Economics aims at consolidating academic economists to ensure that the voice of economists is heard more loudly in the country. Unfortunately, quite frequently we hear absolutely incompetent assessments on certain issues and frequently these assessments are mostly political rather than real economic analysis. I think that establishment of such society will ensure that the information provided to the society is more qualified and what is most important, its base will be established at Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics and its staff will join the newly created society. The experience accumulated at the Institute for years will be used to support the development of our country.”

“The today’s event is important, because Georgian economists jointly create the society of academic economists. This happens upon the initiative of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics, which has a huge experience and contribution to the development of Georgian economy. Any association, especially of economists, is a very good undertaking, because we, including the government, really need advises about what kind of economic policy we should pursue. Georgia needs alternative opinions about current economy,” Georgian Finance Minister, TSU Professor Nodar Khaduri said.

“Establishment of such societies is an acceptable form worldwide. There are several societies in Georgia, for example: the society of architects, demographers, etc. Our society will have the same significance. First of all, this society will help consolidate Georgian economists and enhance their personal efficiency. In addition, we will deepen international relations in economic sphere; new books will be published. So, the establishment of Georgian Society of Economists is very important for economic circles as well as for the development of economic science in the country,” Director of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics, Prof. Ramaz Abesadze said.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava is one of the founders and the President of the Society; among other founders there are: Academician Avtandil Silagadze; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Leo Chikava; Professor Teimuraz Beridze and Professor Ramaz Abesadze.

The key objective of the society is to promote the development of economy and economic science in the country. The society will promote consolidation of academic economists in the country, integration of education and science in the country, strengthening of engagement of Georgian economic science in international scientific relations; it will also prepare academic papers for publishing both inside and outside the country, participate in the work of international associations and implementation of international scientific projects, submit projects for winning international grants, hold local and international scientific events (conferences, symposiums, congresses, seminars, etc.), organize roundtables and meetings on the issues of economy and economic science, etc.       


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