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TSU, Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Rector of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Academician Vladimer Papava and Executive Director of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Tamar Rukhadze signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between TSU and the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said: “TSU traditionally prepares professional journalists. Under the memorandum, our future journalists will study those elementary norms, which are so important for journalists; it will become an integral part of learning process to ensure that after graduation, our students are well-prepared to meet all the responsibilities implied by journalism.”

“Under this memorandum, future journalists will understand already in the course of their studies at the university what all those obligations mean, which are so essential for their future profession; in other words, they will be able to understand earlier what journalism means,” Executive Director of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Tamar Rukhadze said.

In frames of the memorandum, students from the direction of journalism and mass communications will enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Future journalists will have an opportunity to get involved and actively participate in the events planned by the Charter, get any consultation and assistance within the mandate and competence of the Charter.

TSU, in its turn, will promote the cooperation between students and the Charter, as well as facilitate any meetings and discussions.   


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