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Student Photo Contest

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted an exhibition of student photo contest “UNI Shot 2014” and an awarding ceremony. 25 best photos selected by the photo contest jury were exhibited. Three winners were selected in different nominations and each of them received GEL 200 from the prize fund.

Nomination: The Best University Student Portrait – Mariam Jakeli (Faculty of Economics and Business)
Nomination: The Best Photo of the University Façade or Details of the Building– Magda Batiashvili (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences)
Nomination: Photos Depicting Learning Process and Student Life – Tinatin Buchukuri (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences)

“My victory was unexpected, because I viewed all the works and I had quite strong rivals. I advise everyone to participate in the next year contest and further increase the diversity of their works,” Mariam Jakeli, one of the winners of the photo consent, said.

The key goal of the photo contest is to reveal and encourage students’ creative talents as well as to collect the best photos of the university. This is the second year already that TSU hosts photo contest for its students. All students were encouraged to participate in the consent. The jury members including photographers Ana Goguadze, Mindia Midelashvili and Guram Tsibakhashvili selected 25 best photos out of about 200 photos received in three different nominations. The exhibition of the selected photos will last for a couple of days.

“This is a contest of professionals; these works have been created by students; this is how they see their environment and everyday life. The assessment criteria were also quite different – we have not selected photos, which were taken correctly from technical point of view; we have selected character, vision and idea,” Guram Tsibakhashvili, a photographer and jury member said.

Upon recommendation of the jury, the next year contest has already been announced; students will have an opportunity to take photos about the university during a year and see the best of them during the 97th anniversary of the university.


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