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NATO Assistant Secretary General Visits TSU

Ted Whiteside, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, visited the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on March 26. Deputy Rector of TSU, Professor Ioseb Salukvadze, representatives of the Information Center on NATO and EU, students and professors attended the event.

Deputy Rector, Ioseb Salukvadze said that “similar meetings are very important not only for the university, but for the entire country. We have long been aspiring towards Euro-Atlantic space. Therefore, it is important to hear what is going on, what they are expecting from us and what we are expecting from this alliance.”

Assistant Secretary General, Ted Whiteside said that he was glad to visit the university, which has a century-old history and added that he was looking forward to hearing questions from students.

Ted Whiteside focused on modern challenges and NATO’s role in a rapidly changing world during the meeting with students from TSU, Free University, Ilia University, Defense Academy, as well as volunteers from the Information Center on NATO and EU.

The meeting ended with a discussion.     


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