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Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations

An international conference “Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations” (ICAE-2015) was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on May 7.
TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Dean of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Professor Ramaz Bochorishvili, TSU professors, about 150 local and foreign scientists from 19 countries attended the event.

“Under deteriorating ecological conditions, the issues of ecology have been and still are especially important for our country. This event does not cover any single narrow field; this is an inter-branch conference, in which the representatives of various scientific directions are participating. One of the sessions of the conference is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of TSU Professor Shota Tskhovrebashvili. The university congratulates him on his anniversary and wishes him a long life and what is most important, to continue his successful and active participation in the university’s activities,” Rector Papava said.

A solemn event marking Prof. Shota Tskhovrebashvili’s 95th anniversary was held on the sideline of the conference. TSU Rector awarded Prof. Shota Tskhovrebashvili with the University Medal.

“The university decided to celebrate my 95th anniversary and I want to thank its administration for it. Along with my anniversary, TSU is holding a conference today dedicated to ecological problems. We live in the century, when nature protection is essential and the participants of this conference are doing a great job,” Prof. Tskhovrebashvili said.

The conference was held with financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (Project: CF/75/9-280/14). The event was chaired by Professor Lia Machavariani, the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences.

The opening of the conference was followed by a photo exhibition “Georgia’s Nature: Yesterday and Today” at the exhibition hall of the TSU Museum. Dynamics of glaciers of the 19-20th centuries and modern Georgia as well as the photos depicting ecological pollution are exhibited. Photos by a famous photographer, Dmitri Ermakov (about 1200 photos, including stereo photos), Geographical Atlas of Vakhushti Bagrationi and relief maps of the 19-20th centuries are also exhibited. The exhibition will last for a week.   

On May 9-10 the scientific conference “Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations” will continue its work in Batumi.  


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