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Rare Books Exhibition at TSU

An e xhibition of European rare books was held at the library of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on November 4. 27 books were exhibited in the library foyer with the oldest one – “Life of Saint Jerome” published in Lübeck in 1484. The first Georgian printed book was also exhibited –Georgian alphabet with prayers published in Rome in 1629.

“The university’s library has a huge book fund. It keeps up to 3 million books, including rare editions. This time we have exhibited only a small part of European rare books. I hope that our students will view the exposition with great interest,” Khatuna Chugoshvili, head of the TSU library’s reading room, said.

The exhibition of rare books was organized in frames of the EU Culture Week. The Culture Week was opened at TSU with an event “Let’s Talk about Books.” The event has been organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia in cooperation with the embassies of EU member states to Georgia and culture institutes. Book exhibition and sale was held at the conference hall foyer of TSU Building I. In frames of the Culture Week, Georgian publishers and the embassies of EU member states presented the masterpieces of European and Georgian literature.  


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