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In March 2016, the Portuguese Language Center at TSU will open three new Portuguese language courses for the general public*:

 LEVEL 1 (A1)
 LEVEL 2 (A2)
 LEVEL 3 (B1)

 If you are interested in taking part in one of the courses, please send an e-mail to with:
 1. your full name (in English and Georgian)
 2. your e-mail address and telephone number
 3. scan of your ID/Passport

 The schedule of the courses will be decided together with the students on the FIRST MEETING:
 Date: 5th March (Saturday)
 Place: Portuguese Language Center - TSU building II, room 203
 LEVEL 1 - 10:00
 LEVEL 2 - 11:00
 LEVEL 3 - 12:00

 * The courses are organized in partnership with the TSU Life Long Learning Center.

 Here is some ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about ALL the courses:

1. Starting date: first lesson on the 5th March

2. Schedule: 4 hours per week divided in two lessons of 2 hours each (precise schedule to be decided together with the students on the first lesson)

3. Duration of each course: one semester (52 hours/ 4 hours per week)

4. Teacher: Vera Peixoto

5. Students: minimum 7/ maximum 15 per class

6. Book: Português XXI (provided in the first lesson)

7. Website for official enrollment and info in Georgian:…/depart…/lll/courses/lzqg8rt3ef9iwucz9//

8. Price for the ENTIRE COURSE: 255 GEL (general public) | 225 GEL (TSU students and employees)

9. Certificates: at the end, each student will be granted a Certificate, issued by the TSU Life Long Learning Center.

10. The students taking part in the courses will be considered for the BEST PORTUGUESE STUDENT AWARD, which entails a Language Course at a Portuguese University in the Summer of 2016, with a scholarship by the Camões Institute/Instituto Camões and a return trip payed for by TSU.

11. If you are a TSU undergraduate student, you can choose the Portuguese Language Courses as a curricular option (5 ECTS). In that case, the enrollment is free and there are no certificates. But the duration of the course, place, teacher, etc. are all the same as stated above.
 See more here:…/…/camoes/camoes-news/a7kwwBhaNUz8pitZ/


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